OK. Christmas Dinner. It's an event. It's your Sunday Roast gone crazy. Here in the UK, Christmas Dinner means lots and lots of roast meat (usually turkey), cooked and roast veg (yes, Brussels Sprouts are a Christmas veg), stuffing, pigs in blankets and a nice amount of indigestion remedies to fight the inevitable. Booze (lots of). Christmas pudding (also lots of, and you can even set fire to it, for all you wannabe arsonists). Christmas crackers with rubbish jokes and even more rubbish toys, all the way from China. And we guzzle the entire thing up and flop out infront of the TV. If you strip Christmas Dinner down to its bare turkey bones, it doesn't seem all that special. And I'm sorry if by reading this, I have truly spoilt Christmas for you, though I probably haven't.
Anyway, yadda yadda yadda, a few years ago, I had an epiphany. True, I was watching that episode of Scrubs where Turk has Brinner. For those who didn't watch that episode, Turk has breakfast for dinner. That's what Brinner is all about.
With Brinner, you can have anything you would normally have at breakfast time, but for dinner instead. This is the freedom offered by Brinner. You can be as healthy as you want, you can, if you want to, pour yourself a bowl of muesli, or bran with raisins and stuff, BUT, you can go right the way over to the other side of the health spectrum too! That's right, a full English. Or whatever regional variety you have (e.g. a full Scottish). You have any of sausage, bacon, black pudding, hash browns, fried bread, eggs cooked just the way you want them, AND you have health food too - mushrooms, tomatoes and baked beans. And it's all washed down with a mug of strong tea or coffee. A belter of a meal.
But why on Earth would you think I'd be bigging up breakfast for dinner, whilst slating the traditional Christmas roast? I know some of you are disillusioned with the whole Christmas thing too. But look here. Brinner can be festive too, and it would already have a catchy name.
Yes, it namechecks this guy. That's what makes it the new best thing ever.

(Yul Brynner)
So, you want an example of what I'm talking about? This is what my wife cooked for us last year and I totally consumed on 21st December 2011
And you know what? It was gorgeous.
And another thing, guys, due to Yule's position in the calendar, IF the Mayans are correct that the world is going to end on 21st December 2012, at least we'll all be incinerated and destroyed after eating the best meal ever. Sat down, with our families around the table, tucking into breakfast for dinner and having a jolly good time. This is what our last moments on Earth should be about, guys.
Yule Brinner. You know you want to.
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