Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Let's Shit!

A few weeks ago I had an idea for a kid's book to teach young kids to potty train. For fucks sake, just read.

Let's Shit

Mommy, Mommy I want a poo
The other kids, they use the loo

I want to do a big massive crappy
I don't want to do it in my nappy

Mommy said, hold on a minute
Let's get your potty for a shit

My brother's potty is smelly and old
It makes my bum cheeks scratchy and cold

She said, I've got for you a little treat
Why don't you try this trainer seat?

Oh Mommy wow! That's really neat!
Well come on now, let's go excrete!

Mommy set it up for me
Now I need to shit and wee

Off with the trousers, off with the shoes
Off with the nappy, I'm ready to poo!

Then Mommy said you can poo now
I'm shitting, I'm pissing, oh wow, oh wow!

Mommy is very proud of me,
I held onto my shit and wee

I shat and pissed like Mommy and Pappy
Whoever thought I needed a nappy?

So if you want some fun today,
Let's shit and piss and shout hooray!

Artists welcome :)))))))))))

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