Oh, it's based on Star Trek as well. Which is amazing of course.
Spock's Cock
Mr Spock has lost his cock,
"This is bad!" said Mr Spock.
It's not by this Tholian rock,
Nor is it in this day old sock.
Spock worries that it's gone far,
Then he remembers Kohlinar.
He calms himself so he can think,
Was it on this chair? Is it in the sink?
Spock starts to feel some gloom,
His cock just isn't in this room!
Spock goes to Sick Bay to see Bones,
The doctor hears his moans and groans!
"I can make you a synthetic cock,
So people won't laugh, stare or mock,
I can make your penis like your own,
Or a different length, or different tone,
So don't worry if you can't find it,
I'll sort you out in a little bit."
"I want my cock!" shouts Mr Spock,
"But you are up against the clock!"
"I'm a doctor, not a wizard,
So get that fact right in your gizzard,"
"I need to put it back on fast,
Or else your penis just won't last!"
Spock searches through the Enterprise,
Before his cock suffers a demise.
Spock goes to see Mr Scott,
He's missing his cock now, a lot!
"Could you run a scan of the ship
To search for my cock, a tiny blip,
Look even behind a circuit board,
'Cause there, might be my lost pork sword!"
Scott thinks "I will give it a good old try,
Don't worry, Spock, don't even cry,
These scanners will lock onto your dick,
Then transport here in one small tick!"
Scott scans the ship for Spock's manhood,
"It's just nae here, there's just no wood!"
"Your cock's nae on the Enterprise!"
Spock hears this and he sobs and cries!
Spock goes to see the Captain, Kirk,
Who thinks, and plans, with a wry smirk.
"Set course for Qo'noS at warp 8!
If we get there, we won't be late.
The ship speeds off to Qo'nos quick,
And scans the world for Spock's lost dick.
"We're being hailed" Uhura says,
"On screen!"; they see a Klingon gaze!
"What do you want?" the Klingon shouts,
"My name is Klaang, you human louts!"
Kirk says "We won't be very long,
We need to find this Vulcan's dong!"
"I understand your Vulcan's plight,
If I lost my cock, I'd fight and fight!"
"But there is no Vulcan penis here,
But do not cry, you must not fear,"
"Your Vulcan cock could not go far,
I wish you luck, goodbye, Q'aplA!"
"That Klingon there was not much help,
What do I do?", came Vulcan yelp.
Spock goes to sit back in his room,
Cockless, hopeless, filled with gloom.
Then he thinks up a brilliant plan,
To make him feel like a Vulcan man.
He hails Qo'noS - "Hello there Klaang,
Could you donate a Klingon wang?"
"We've Klingon cocks in great supply,
Since Klingons, well, they tend to die,"
"I'll beam one up for you to use,
And that should cure your Vulcan blues!"
"Take good care of this penis, Spock!"
And there appeared a Klingon cock.
He took the cock down to Sick Bay,
And Bones attached it right away.

"Now I have a Klingon thing,
I want to fuck and fight something!"
"Calm down Spock, be careful now,
You've got to control yourself somehow."
Spock returned to normal duty, and,
Tried to fight Kirk for command!

The Redshirts put Spock in the Brig,
Spock now didn't feel quite so big.
Kirk went to see him, "Spock!
I think you need to lose the cock."
"This Klingon pork sword is no good,
We need to find another pud."

Spock wanted to feel like a man,
and said "Let's find a Romulan."
Kirk replied "But where would we,
Find a Romulan dick out here, you see?"
Spock says "We must now make no fuss,
We have to go to Romulus!"

"We've just been to Qo'nos" said Kirk,
"Starfleet will think I am a jerk!"
"Going to enemy planets at will,
Just to get our penis fill?"
"Kirk, could you live without your cock?
"I need to have one!" murmured Spock.

So the Enterprise set for the Neutral Zone,
To search for Spock, a brand new bone.
A Warbird stopped them in their path,
And hailed "Do you want to incur our wrath?"
"This is Romulan space, now turn and leave,
Or else it's the last breath that you'll breathe!"

Kirk said "We are only here for a cock,
For my First Officer, Mr Spock."
"He's a Vulcan, so you see,
You Romulans are just quite like he."
"So if you can spare just one dick,
We'll be on our way in just a tick."

"We don't give dicks to Vulcan scum,
And we don't care if it makes him glum!"
"So turn around and don't come back,
Or else we will, be sure, attack!"
The Enterprise came about and left,
And Spock was now just quite bereft.

Spock asked Chekov and Sulu,
"In my position, what would you do?"
"We could try to go back in time,
"And try to find the cause of this crime."
Sulu turned to Chekov, "That's just silly,
We can't just time travel to find his willy!"

"We'll break the Temporal Prime Directive,
For that, there is no corrective"
"Solution, it could create a paradox,
Or worse, infinite Vulcan cocks..."
Just then, Starfleet hailed Enterprise,
"Is Spock there? We have a surprise."

Spock came to the bridge to answer the hail,
"What is it, Starfleet, is it what I ail?"
"Yes, good news, Commander Spock,
We've just found your long lost cock!"
Spock jumped for joy, gave Kirk a kiss,
"You see, Cap, they just found my penis!"

They went home at Warp Factor 9,
A quick stitch and then all was fine!
Spock looked down at his dong,
"I've been without you for too long!"
He punched the air, and thought just then,
"Now I have a Klingon thing,
I want to fuck and fight something!"
"Calm down Spock, be careful now,
You've got to control yourself somehow."
Spock returned to normal duty, and,
Tried to fight Kirk for command!
The Redshirts put Spock in the Brig,
Spock now didn't feel quite so big.
Kirk went to see him, "Spock!
I think you need to lose the cock."
"This Klingon pork sword is no good,
We need to find another pud."
Spock wanted to feel like a man,
and said "Let's find a Romulan."
Kirk replied "But where would we,
Find a Romulan dick out here, you see?"
Spock says "We must now make no fuss,
We have to go to Romulus!"
"We've just been to Qo'nos" said Kirk,
"Starfleet will think I am a jerk!"
"Going to enemy planets at will,
Just to get our penis fill?"
"Kirk, could you live without your cock?
"I need to have one!" murmured Spock.
So the Enterprise set for the Neutral Zone,
To search for Spock, a brand new bone.
A Warbird stopped them in their path,
And hailed "Do you want to incur our wrath?"
"This is Romulan space, now turn and leave,
Or else it's the last breath that you'll breathe!"
Kirk said "We are only here for a cock,
For my First Officer, Mr Spock."
"He's a Vulcan, so you see,
You Romulans are just quite like he."
"So if you can spare just one dick,
We'll be on our way in just a tick."
"We don't give dicks to Vulcan scum,
And we don't care if it makes him glum!"
"So turn around and don't come back,
Or else we will, be sure, attack!"
The Enterprise came about and left,
And Spock was now just quite bereft.
Spock asked Chekov and Sulu,
"In my position, what would you do?"
"We could try to go back in time,
"And try to find the cause of this crime."
Sulu turned to Chekov, "That's just silly,
We can't just time travel to find his willy!"
"We'll break the Temporal Prime Directive,
For that, there is no corrective"
"Solution, it could create a paradox,
Or worse, infinite Vulcan cocks..."
Just then, Starfleet hailed Enterprise,
"Is Spock there? We have a surprise."
Spock came to the bridge to answer the hail,
"What is it, Starfleet, is it what I ail?"
"Yes, good news, Commander Spock,
We've just found your long lost cock!"
Spock jumped for joy, gave Kirk a kiss,
"You see, Cap, they just found my penis!"
They went home at Warp Factor 9,
A quick stitch and then all was fine!
Spock looked down at his dong,
"I've been without you for too long!"
He punched the air, and thought just then,
He won't ever lose his cock again.
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